
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you have ever wondered what it was like to run for council of a township, then read some kind of a book about it.

If you have ever wondered what it was like to run for council of a township, as a Philosophy Major, turn Marshall Arts Master, turn Carpenter, turn Hollywood Screenwriter, turn Business Man, turn Sustainable Lumber Jack with a love for chronicling all aspects of their life through photos and blogs, then read Bill Pocock's blog, One Seguin

Bill Pocock's One Seguin Blog
One Seguin is a diary of Mr. Pocock as he runs for Seguin Township's, Ward 1 Councilor. It starts with him simply pondering the thought of running and follows him through every aspect including creating his signs, out of sustainably cut poplar trees of course.

Signs chopped, milled and placed with his own hands
For some reason I can't stop reading his blog. Not sure if it is for good reasons or bad. I do agree with a lot of what he says when it comes to democracy and I also relate with a lot of his actions. However, I also read because he is somewhat of an entertaining ecentric and for some reason the world and myself are attracted to one off odd balls.

Bill catches my attention in kind of a, Christopher McCandless from Into the Wild, sort of way. One man, living his life his way, going against the societal norms. Hell, they made a movie about that guy. On the flip side most people thought Christopher McCandless was some what of a loop job for going it alone in the Alaskan wilderness, where he DIED!

One of the last photos ever of Christopher McCandless
Pocock seems no different. He is obviously an educated man with a certain philosophy on life. A philosophy that a lot of people will call foolish but secretly crave. Through out his blog Bill chronicles this rugged lifestyle. From, foraging for wild mushrooms, even posting pictures of sauteing them over a camp fire. To, displaying pictures of his bloody wounds from Lumber Jacking too hard.

mmmmm... possibly poisonous mushrooms
Yes, don't forget, he is running for Council. His platform is about the people. He wants to hear every single concern from his constituents and post them on his blog. The idea is so that he can get a greater consensus of what the true issues of the people are. It is also interesting to follow him as he goes through the steps of understanding how to become an actual Councilor. This is where I learn to respect his ideas and use of technology. But it falls short because he seems to be too public with his blog.

Pocock writes almost too much information and with a slight dry humour that feels off putting. I've always thought to myself  that a candidate who talks and acts like a real person is who I should vote for. But, the more I read about him the less professional he feels to me. I like my professionals to act professional. I like important people acting like they are more important than me. Even though I hate them. There is a certain security, not necessarily trust, with strong powerful figures. Maybe there is a happy balance for Pocock.




1 comment:

Bill P said...

What a bizarre experience to read a blog post about myself.

Thank you, McMumbles (whoever you are) for the rare opportunity of seeing how another sees oneself.


I try to do the Joseph Campbell, "follow your bliss" thing. At least then I know that the life I've led was my own.

As this post was created a few years ago, I'll give you a brief update on my particular world.

First, I didn't get the councillor gig. Which was a welcome result after my brush with the masses.

I've started making hollow wood paddle boards - for sale - out of maple and cherry wood which I mill from trees in my forest improvement cutting.

And I've just recently published my little take on the Holy Bible entitled, "Bobo's Bible: A Dude Version Of The Holy Bible". It's available for sale on Amazon as an eBook.

Actually, today, Saturday, and Sunday it's free for download as a special promotion.

I guess the updates round out the eccentric argument - an atheist who rewrites the bible.

I think I thank you McMumbles for the interest. Glad to hear you're amused.

Hey, you missed the part about me building a wooden velomobile and becoming the first person to cross Canada in one of those crates while talking to public school kids along the way to talk about climate change.

Oh, and starting a cult religion based on the sci-fi movie, 'Zardoz'.

Oh and then there was that time.... Well, life is always so much bigger than what the Internet can contain.

