
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Historical buildings and spaces are the unique features of a town. They distinguish one town from another and give people pride in their community. All too often important buildings from the past get demolished for new development. However, there is legislation in place to help these struggling buildings, it's called the Heritage Act. Problem is that, it only protects buildings that are DESIGNATED HERITAGE.

What do you do with buildings that aren't quite important enough?

"How would you like to be a Spotted Elephant?"
"Or a Choo Choo with square wheels on your caboose?"
"Or a... HAND GUN?"


When you get to a certain age where you no longer serve a purpose in society but are still too healthy to die, you get shoved in a nursing home. Markham Heritage Estates subdivision is no different.

Where houses go to die!
When new subdivisions is getting built, the developers flatten the land, destroying everything that's on the property which can include historic buildings. Sometimes these buildings aren't quite important enough to be designated as heritage, which would protect them from being destroyed. So, Markham has come up with a way of protecting these historically misfit buildings.

Perfectly rehabilitated house
 Markham Heritage Estates is where historical buildings get relocated if there is no other possible means to protect them. The Town of Markham actually owns all of the 42 lots within the subdivision. They sell the lots below market value to offset the cost, to the owner, of relocating and restoring the buildings. This has so far been incentive enough to have many heritage houses brought here. Markham also requires that landscaping on the property must be in keeping with the time period of the house. This is for sure an innovative strategy in heritage protection.

16th Avenue and Heritage Corners Lane, Markham
 Many people oppose the idea of the Heritage Estates, stating that it gives an easy way out for protecting heritage. It would be far more beneficial to fight hard to keep the building in its original location which is the majority of it's historic value. Large scale heritage relocation can make it easier for developers to build continuous sprawl, therefore giving them more power over the municipality.

The idea of the Markham Heritage Estates is a great idea on paper and it has saved many buildings so far but some how in real life it's just plain creepy and sad, again a lot like nursing homes.

View Larger Map
Googal Streetview your way to the entrance and you can see new misfits being fixed up


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