
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Richard Fuller was a man.

A man with a vision.
A man who didn't like being called Richard, so decided his middle name was better, Buckminster.
A man whose names I will combine to create better names.
A man obsessed with this...

More precisely he was obsessed with a sphere
Dickminster was the father of Geodesic Domes. You know the houses that Hippies live in. The Epcot Centre at Disney World. That Bio-dome in Polly Shore's best film to date, Bio-dome. Yeah, that seems like a big enough legacy but how do you top being a futurist architect? Oh... how about... being a complete NUT JOB!

Buckmonster Fuller
Bucky was a lot like most odd ball architects who think they are going to change the world with their philosophical ideas on life. He was a prick. Not sure why these pricks think they can tell the world how to live when they themselves live in a completely different world.

Dickmuncher's life is a series of blunders. He was expelled from Harvard twice because he was a non-conforming misfit or as I like to call it, an ignorant prick. By age 32 he was a bankrupt homeless alcoholic prick. Somewhere along his downward spiraling life, someone decided to let this prick's ego develop by giving him a damn job. One day, he decided that he was going to embark on a project that would benefit all of humanity. What... a... prick! He eventually became a college professor which gave him the position he needed to release his geodesic seed upon the world and a little bit of his narcissistic banter.

Even this stamp honouring him some how makes fun of him!
Dick Fuller like most idealist pricks had to feel more important than the rest of the world. He did this by constantly reminding himself of how insightful he was by puking bull shit from his mouth. 

DB loved the word, DYMAXION. He used it to explain everything, both his inventions and even other people's inventions. Some even doubt the Geodesic Dome being his invention. He would take anything and turn it into his own idea by simply putting the word DYMAXION before it (DYMAXION PRICK). Even the word DYMAXION isn't his, it came from some advertising dude who combined the words, DYnamic MAXimum tensION.  He liked it and took it. Eventually adding it to, DYMAXION HOUSE, DYMAXION CAR, DYMAXION WORLD MAP and many other inventions.

Full Dick experimented with polyphasic sleep, or DYMAXION SLEEP. He would only sleep 2 hours a day. However, he quit doing this because it conflicted with his business associate's normal sleeping habits. During his waking hours he would chronicle every aspect of his life. He did this for nearly 60 years and called these notes his DYMAXION CHRONOFILE.

No doubt, that within Minster's notes were his own invented words like, intertransformitive. He had an affection with putting the prefix OMNI in front of anything (OMNI-PRICK). Combine this with his tendency to write in long run on sentences, which help him explain himself better, and his notes are rendered omni-readable.

Dick Filler would use the word Universe, as is, without 'the' or 'a' in front. He did this because Universe was too important, not the true meaning of the word but his own meaning, which is too messed up to explain here. Worldwide assumed that the world was flat and not spherical, he preferred to use the word World-around instead. On top of all of this he despised  the words 'up' and 'down' because on a sphere you would really be talking about in or out. Is your bathroom outstairs or instairs?

"Damn it! Should have known the world was more tall than wide"

Even though Buckminster didn't deserve any of the hype, royalties or respect that he received, it is difficult to not thank him for attempting to save us from the confides of our functional square houses. Without the help of Richard Buckminster Fuller we would all be DOMELESS and OUT SHIT CREEK WITHOUT A DYMAXION OMNI-PADDLE.


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