
Friday, September 10, 2010


This is what I know about Iceland off the top of my head
  • Iceland is very greeny and Greenland is very icy (thanks Mighty Ducks 2)
  • Iceland is an island owned by... DA DUTCH!
  • Iceland is full of blonds with blue eyes
  • Iceland has Bjork and Bjork is bat shit crazy
  • Iceland is surrounded by volcanoes
  • Iceland's capital is Rekykvikjkiik and it is the furthest north capital in the world (ok I researched that, but still don't know how to spell Rekychvickkik)
  • Iceland powers their island with geothermal energy
  • Iceland speaks English but they also say funny things in Icelandic like, "pabbi minn er svartur!" (thank you Googal Translate)
  • Iceland will have me as a guest on Sept. 22 through to the 29th


1 comment:

Icelandic girl said...

Mon pere set noir.